I recently added a custom profiler to GraphQL-Ruby. It creates traces for viewing in Perfetto, and building it was a bit of an adventure.
Lake Road Farm: 2024 in Review
This is a rapid-fire look back and what I was up to farm-wise in 2024.
Why Dairying Interests Me: Small, Grass-Fed, and Raw
I got into milk because I love cheese. The more I learned, the more I loved. Here, I describe why small, grass-fed, raw dairying appeals to me.
Lake Road Farm: 2023 in Review
2023 was a big year for Lake Road Farm.
Here are some thoughts looking back at the year.
Does it matter what we wear?
I’ve been wondering, besides keeping warm and being decent, does it matter what we wear?
Books I Read In 2021
Boy, it’s hard to believe 2021 is already over. At least there was some good reading to be had.
What makes a good ID?
At my job, we’re working on revamping the global ID system we use for GraphQL. Here are a few lessons I’ve learned through my participation in the project.
Lesslie Newbigin's Logic of Mission
I recently re-skimmed Lesslie Newbigin’s The Gospel in a Pluralist Society. Although I was looking for a later chapter, “The Congregation as the Hermeneutic of the Gospel,” I was most struck by the chapter “The Logic of Mission.” What follows is a summary and personal interpretation.
Lessons learned implementing a sharded, replicated rate limiter with Redis
About a year ago, we migrated an old rate limiter to Redis. In the end, it worked out great, but we learned some lessons along the way.
GraphQL Dataloader
GraphQL-Ruby 1.12 ships with a new GraphQL::Dataloader
feature for batch-loading data.