Hobbies & Interests
- Fermentation & food preservation
- Especially dairy processing
- Timber framing
- Software
- Language design, implementation and tooling
- Data structures
- Application architecture
- Owner, Minimum Viable Software, 2017-present
- Farmer, tinkerer, milkman, etc, Lake Road Farm, Sept 2020-present
- Senior Platform Engineer, GitHub May 2017-September 2021
- Ruby/JavaScript Developer, Planning Center Online August 2013–May 2017
- Web Developer, NergySense Inc January 2013–Present, occasional
- Project Manager, Data Management & Quality, AidData August 2011–August 2013
Open-Source Projects
- GraphQL-Ruby February 2015-Present
- Created the gem, implementing the GraphQL spec
- Maintaining and improving it since then
- Nominee Ruby Prize 2017
- React-Rails September 2014-September 2017
- First maintainer outside Facebook
- Recognized at the first ReactConf for my contributions
- Supported server rendering, webpacker, sprockets, turbolinks, pjax, JSX, and CoffeeScript
- Successfully handed off to a new maintainer after I stopped doing front-end development
- Batman.js 2013-2014
- Largest contributor outside Shopify
- Lots of docs contributions and bug fixes
- College of William and Mary, BA East Asian Studies & Anthropology, 2011