GraphQL 1.5.0 includes a new way to define a schema: from a GraphQL definition.
In fact, loading a schema this way has been supported for while, but 1.5.0 adds the ability to specify field resolution behavior.
Besides queries, GraphQL has an interface definition language (IDL) for expressing a schema’s structure. For example:
schema {
query: Query
type Query {
post(id: ID!): Post
type Post {
title: String!
comments: [Comment!]
You can turn a definition into a schema with Schema.from_definition
schema_defn = "..."
schema = GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(schema_defn)
(By the way, the IDL is technically in RFC stage.)
also accepts default_resolve:
argument. It expects one of two inputs:
- A nested hash of type
Hash<String => Hash<String => #call(obj, args, ctx)>>
; or - An object that responds to
#call(type, field, obj, args, ctx)
Resolving with a Hash
When you’re using a hash:
- The first key is a type name
- The second key is a field name
- The last value is a resolve function (
#call(obj, args, ctx)
To get started, you can write the hash manually:
"Query" => {
"post" => ->(obj, args, ctx) { Post.find(args[:id]) },
"Post" => {
"title" => ->(obj, args, ctx) { obj.title },
"body" => ->(obj, args, ctx) { obj.body },
"comments" => ->(obj, args, ctx) { obj.comments },
But you can also reduce a lot of boilerplate by using a hash with default values:
# This hash will fall back to default implementation if another value isn't provided:
type_hash = do |h, type_name|
# Each type gets a hash of fields:
h[type_name] = do |h2, field_name|
# Default resolve behavior is `obj.public_send(field_name, args, ctx)`
h2[field_name] = ->(obj, args, ctx) { obj.public_send(field_name, args, ctx) }
type_hash["Query"]["post"] = ->(obj, args, ctx) { Post.find(args[:id]) }
schema = GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(schema_defn, default_resolve: type_hash)
Isn’t that a nice way to set up a simple schema?
Resolving with a Single Function
You can provide a single callable that responds to #call(type, field, obj, args, ctx)
. What a mouthful!
The advantage of that hefty method signature is that it’s enough to specify any resolution behavior you can imagine. For example, you could create a system where type modules were found by name, then methods were called by name:
module ExecuteGraphQLByConvention
# Find a Ruby module corresponding to `type`,
# then call its method corresponding to `field`.
def call(type, field, obj, args, ctx)
type_module = Object.const_get(
type_module.public_send(, obj, args, ctx)
schema = GraphQL::Schema.from_definition(schema_defn, default_resolve: ExecuteGraphQLByConvention)
So, a single function combined with Ruby’s flexibility and power opens a lot of doors!
Doesn’t it remind you a bit of method dispatch? The arguments are:
GraphQL Field Resolution | Method Dispatch |
type |
class |
field |
method |
obj |
receiver |
args |
method arguments |
ctx |
runtime state (cf mrb_state , RedisModuleCtx , or ErlNifEnv ) |
Special Configurations
Some schemas need other configurations in order to run:
to support union and interface types- schema plugins like monitoring or custom instrumentation
To add these to a schema, use .redefine
# Extend the schema with new definitions:
schema = schema.redefine {
resolve_type ->(obj, ctx) { ... }
monitoring :appsignal
What’s Next?
Rails has proven that “Convention over Configuration” can be a very productive way to start new projects, so I’m interested in exploring convention-based APIs on top of this feature.
In the future, I’d like to add support for schema annotations in the form of directives, for example:
type Post {
comments: [Comment!] @relation(hasMany: "comments")
These could be used to customize resolution behavior. Cool!