Robert Mosolgo

Parameterized styles with React, Rails and Sprockets

css_modules provides an approach to styling UI components in a local-first way.

Let’s say you have the same component to render in two contexts:

<div className="resources">
  <DetailPane />
// later ...
<div className="rooms">
  <DetailPane />

To style DetailPane, you probably want:

  • A set of shared styles to apply by default
  • A way to customize styles for each context

How can we accomplish that? The css_modules gem provides a solution.

(This example uses React components, but see below for a brief analogy to Rails partials.)

CSS Modules

Let’s treat each context as a module in CSS:

// in views/resources.scss
:module(resources) {
  // ...

// in views/rooms.scss
:module(rooms) {
  // ...

Since each context has a DetailPane, let’s define a mixin and share it between the two:

// in shared/detail_pane.scss
@mixin detail-pane {
  .detail-pane {
    margin: 5px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #777;

    .description {
      font-size: 1.2rem;

// in views/resources.css
:module(resources) {
  @include detail-pane;

// in views/rooms.css
:module(rooms) {
  @include detail-pane;

Why a mixin?

Using a mixin makes it easier to track usage within the application: you only need to search for @includes, rather than class names.

It also enforces a clear separation from base styles and custom styles. Base styles are hard-coded in the mixins. Custom styles are implemented as overrides within the module or as parameters to the mixin (using $-variables).

Applying Styles

To apply the modulized styles to a component, provide the component with a CSS module prop:

var resourcesModule = CSSModules("resources")
<div className="resources">
  <DetailPane cssModule={resourcesModule}/>

// later ...

var roomsModule = CSSModules("rooms")
<div className="rooms">
  <DetailPane cssModule={roomsModule}/>

Then, update DetailPane so that it gets class names from this.props.cssModule:

var DetailPane = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    cssModule: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  render: function() {
    var cssModule = this.props.cssModule
    return (
      <div className={cssModule("detail-pane")}>
        <p className={cssModule("description")} />

Now, the two instances of DetailPane will not share class names, but they will share common code from @mixin detail-pane.

The rendered output will contain “modulized” class names. The module is translated into an opaque prefix on the class name:

<div class="resources_abc123_detail-pane">
  <p class="resources_abc123_description"></p>
<div class="rooms_xyz987_detail-pane">
  <p class="rooms_xyz987_description"></p>

Customizing Styles

You can customize the styles with overrides or parameters.

Apply overrides by “reopening” class names inside the module:

:module(resources) {
  @include detail-pane;
  .detail-pane {
    // needs extra space here:
    margin: 10px;

This will only affect .detail-pane within the resources module.

Alternatively, you can parameterize the mixin. Add a $-parameter to the mixin:

// in shared/detail_pane.scss
@mixin detail-pane($margin) {
  .detail-pane {
    margin: $margin;

Then provide a value when including that mixin:

// in views/resources.scss
:module(resources) {
  @include detail-pane(10px);
  // .detail-pane will have 10px margin

// in views/rooms.scss
:module(rooms) {
  @include detail-pane(5px);
  // .detail-pane will have 5px margin

Sass also includes default values and optional arguments.

Bare class names?

Perhaps you need to support bare class names (no module). For example, if you extra @mixin detail-pane but your app still contains bare .detail-pane class names, you might apply the mixin to the global scope:

@mixin detail-pane {
  // ...

// Also style global .detail-pane
@include detail-pane;

To use bare class names in your <DetailPane /> component, use a null module:

// This module has no name, it renders bare selectors:
var nullModule = CSSModules(null)
// "detail-pane"

You can pass that in for the cssModule prop:

<DetailPane cssModule={CSSModules(null)} />

Then, the rendered output will contain bare class names:

<div class="detail-pane">
  <p class="description"></p>

Use with Rails Partials

You can also parameterize the class names in Rails partials.

Get a module with the view helper, then pass it to a partial:

<% resources_module = css_module("resources") %>
<%= render partial: "detail_pane", locals: { style_module: resources_module } %>
<!-- later -->
<% rooms_module = css_module("rooms") %>
<%= render partial: "detail_pane", locals: { style_module: rooms_module } %>

s that w Then, use the style_module in the partial:

<div class="<%= style_module.selector("detail-pane") %>">
  <p class="<%= style_module.selector("description") %>"></p>

Rails can also generate a null module by providing nil as the module name:

null_style_module = css_module(nil)
# => "detail-pane"

This allows you to parameterize the class names in your partials.