Robert Mosolgo

Raising Exceptions is Bad

In general, raising exceptions for control flow makes code hard to understand. However, there are other cases when an exception is the right choice.

Raise vs Return

raise is return’s evil twin.

They both stop the execution of the current method. After a return, nothing else is executed. After a raise, nothing else is executed … maybe. The method may have a rescue or ensure clause which is executed after the raise, so a reader must check for those.

They both change flow of control. return gives control back to the caller. raise may give control anywhere on the call stack, depending on the specific error and rescue clauses. If all you see is a raise, you can’t guess where it will be rescued!

They both send values to their new destination. return provides the given value to the caller, who may capture the return value in a local variable. raise provides the error object to the rescue-er. return can send any kind of value, but raise can only send error objects.

They both create coupling across call stack frames. return couples two adjacent call stack frames: caller depends on the return value. raiserescue couples far-removed stack frames: they may be adjacent, or they may be several frames removed from one another.

Raise → Rescue is Unpredictable

Sending values through a program by calling methods and return-ing values is very predictable. If you return a different value, the caller will get a different value. To see where return values “go”, simply search for calls to that method.

Finding where raise‘d errors go is a bit more challenging. For example, this change:

# From:
def do_something
  # ...
  raise "Something went wrong"

# To:
class MyCustomError < StandardError

def do_something
  # ...
  raise MyCustomError, "Oops!"

How can you tell if this is a safe refactor? Here are some considerations:

  • Instead of looking for callers of this method, you have to find entire call stacks which include this method, since any upstream calls may also have expectations about this error.
  • When searching for rescues, you have to keep the error’s ancestry in mind, finding bare rescues, superclass-tagged rescues and class-tagged rescues.
  • Some rescues may consume the error object itself. For example, they may read its #message or other attached data. If you change any properties of the error object, you may break the assumptions of those rescues.
  • If you find that the new error will be rescue‘d differently, you must also consider how execution flow will change in other methods. For example, some methods may be cut short because previously-rescue‘d errors now propagate through them. Other methods which used to be cut short may now continue running, since errors are rescued in child method calls.

If your raise is located in a Ruby gem, these problems are even harder, because rescue clauses may exist in your users’ code.

If your error patterns are well documented, ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ 🏆. Bravo, just don’t break your public API. Users might still make assumptions beyond the documentation, such as error ancestry or message values. Additionally, they could be monkey-patching library methods and applying rescue-related assumptions to those patches.

If your error patterns aren’t documented, 💩 ノ༼ ◕_◕ ノ ༽. You have no idea what assumptions users make about those errors! You can’t be sure your changes won’t break their code.

Use Return Instead

raise can be replaced by return. However, if you’re using raise to traverse many levels of the call stack, the refactor will be intense. Take heart: previously you were hacking your way back up the call stack, now you’re creating a predictable, explicit flow through your program!

It’s worth repeating, don’t use exceptions for flow control.

Here are some techniques for expressing failures with return.

  • Return errors instead of raising them. Ruby errors are objects, like everything else. You can return them to the caller and let the caller check whether the returned value is an error or not. For example, to return an error:
def do_something
  calculation = # ...

  if calculation.something_went_wrong?
    # Let the caller handle this error"oops!")
    # Return the result to the caller
  • Use success and failure objects. Instead of returning a raw StandardError instance to the caller, use a Failure class to communicate failure. Additionally, use a Success class to communicate success. (This is similar to the “monad” technique, eg dry-monads gem.)
class ConvertSuccess
  attr_reader :old_file, :new_file
  def initialize(old_file:, new_file:)
    # ...

class ConvertFailure
  attr_reader :old_file, :error
  def initialize(old_file:, error:)
    # ...

# Try to convert this file, returning either a
# ConvertSuccess or ConvertFailure)
def convert_file(file)
  # ...
  if error_message.nil? file, new_file: converted_file)
  else file, error: error_message)

# Try to convert a file,
# then specify behavior
# for failure case & success case:
conversion = convert_file(

case conversion
when ConvertSuccess
  # Do something with the new file
when ConvertFailure
  # Notify the user of the failure
  • As a last resort, return nil. Using nil as an expression of failure has some downsides:

    • nil can’t hold a message or any extra data
    • sometimes, nil is a valid value

    But, for simple operations, using nil may be sufficient. Since it will be communicated via return, refactoring it will be straightforward in the future!

Sometimes, Raise is Okay

raise has its purposes.

raise is a great way to signal that the program has reached a completely unexpected state and that it should exit. For example, in the convert_file example above, we could use raise to assert that we don’t receive an unexpected value from convert_file:

conversion = convert_file(
case conversion
when ConvertSuccess
  # Do something with the new file
when ConvertFailure
  # Notify the user of the failure
  raise("convert_file didn't return a ConvertSuccess or ConvertFailure, it returned: #{conversion.inspect}")

Now, if the method ever returns some unexpected value, we’ll receive a loud failure. Some people use fail in this case, which is also fine. However, the need to disambiguate raise and fail is a code smell: stop using raise for non-emergencies!

raise is also helpful for re-raising other errors. For example, if your library needs to log something when an error happens, it might need to capture the error, then re-raise it. For example:

# This method yields to a user-provided block, eg
# `handle_converted_file(old_file) { |f| push_to_s3(f) }`
def handle_converted_file(old_file)
  conversion = convert_file(old_file)
  if conversion.is_a?(ConvertSuccess)
rescue StandardError => err
  # Make a log entry for the library:
  logger.log("User error from handle_converted_file", err)
  # Let the user handle this error:

This way, you can respond to the error without disrupting user code.

raise SharpKnifeError

In my own work, I’m transitioning away from raising errors and towards communicating failure by return values. This pattern is ubiquitous in languages like Go and Elixir. In Node.js, callbacks communicate errors in a similar way (callback arguments). I think Ruby code can benefit from this practice as well.